You Will See These Positive Changes In Your Body If You Always Eat Avocado


Avocado has several health benefits which is known by few people. Your body will see some positive changes if you often eat avocado. They include;

1. Avocado consumption has been linked to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and heart attacks. This is owing to the fact that this fruit or vegetable is loaded with disease-fighting antioxidants, minerals, healthy fats, and fiber. In this case, eating more avocados would reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease even further.

2. Decrease the risk of constipation and other issues related to poor fiber intake. The health benefits of this fruit may actually exceed its delectable flavor, which may seem paradoxical.

3. Reduces body weight. This is due to the low calorie count and the fact that avocados contain both healthy fats and protein, both of which help you feel full faster. So, if you’re watching your weight, make avocados a regular part of your diet.

4. Protect Your Eyes
Avocados have lutein and zeaxanthin, which absorb light waves that can harm your vision. People who eat lots of foods rich in these antioxidants are less likely to have age-related macular degeneration, the leading cause of blindness in older adults. Most of an avocado’s antioxidants are found in the darker green flesh that’s closest to the peel

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5. Good for Your Heart
Speaking of your blood vessels, the American Heart Association recommends that the majority of the fat you eat be unsaturated, like you’ll find in avocados, rather than the saturated fats in foods like red meats and whole-milk dairy foods. Early research now shows that avocados in particular can also help lower “bad” cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure

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