13 Wonderful Health Benefits Of Turkey Berries


Turkey berry is a type of spiny, flowering shrub that produces large clusters of yellow-green, pea-sized berries that can be used for a variety of culinary, horticultural, and medicinal purposes.

Scientifically known as Solanum torvum, it goes by many names and belongs to the nightshade family of plants. It is sometimes called Ama Dwiridi in Ghana

Turkey berry is a hearty plant that thrives in a variety of climates, but it grows best in sunny, temperate regions. It is used mostly to prepare soup.

Below are some health benefits

1. May prevent and treat anemia

Low iron is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies worldwide. Iron deficiency anemia is a common condition that may develop as a result of inadequate iron intake. It’s associated with symptoms like fatigue, dizziness, and shortness of breath. Turkey berry is a particularly rich source of plant-based iron and often consumed to treat or prevent iron deficiency anemia.

2. May help lower blood pressure

In Ghana, nearly 40% of adults have high blood pressure, which is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke  Early research suggests that compounds in turkey berry may serve as a natural way to lower blood pressure.

3. May promote healthy immune function

Test-tube studies have shown that turkey berry has potent antimicrobial properties that may promote healthy immune function in multiple ways. One study observed that turkey berry may be effective against the herpes simplex virus

Other Benefits Include

4. Helps to regulate menstruation, especially those with irregular menses.

5. Prevents and treat kidney disease.

6. For good eye sight.

7. Lower blood sugar hence good for diabetics.

8. Contain lots of antioxidants that prevents growth of cancer cells.

9.Acts as a diuretic and eliminate uric acid from the body. Hence good for people with gout, difficulty in urinating and arthritis.

10. Controls blood pressure and prevents heart diseases.

11. Contains a lot of iron, therefore its good for people suffering from Anaemia.

12. Use to treat bacteria and fungal infections.

13. Prevent clotting of blood hence good for stroke patients.



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