My Hustling in Life the Challenges, Mistakes, and Moral Lessons


This write-up “My Hustling in life, the challenges, Mistakes, and Moral Lessons” is a life story that aims at helping young readers to make the right choices from friendship to what they do or the challenges life confronts them with. Parents will find it useful in ensuring their children fall in line and do the right things.

My experience and hustling in Life is about the Advantages and Disadvantages life presents to you whether you live with your parents or not, or whether you get help from family and friends or not. Life goes on you always have you live on good or bad easy or hard having a new day to always a new opportunity for us. I want to share a short story with my readers:

Now let us dive deep into this: My Hustling in life the Challenges, Mistakes, and Moral Lessons journey…

My Hustling in Life all began in the year 2000 when I completed JSS now JHS, and I was awaiting my BECE results. My Dad had also been transferred to another region. I was home alone most often. When my mum leaves for work and my younger siblings also left for school. I was home and boredom begin to set in, and I decided to start making friends.

I made some new friends in the neighborhood so when my mum left for work and my younger siblings also left for school, then away! I then leave home to the new friends I made. We will roam and play a lot then after I bring them to my house then we cook some delicious meals and enjoy. Since I was naïve in the neighborhood the friends I associated myself with were of bad character in the area.

After some few weeks, my mum came home angry I didn’t understand. She then said someone from the neighborhood told her that I have associated myself with some notorious boys in the neighborhood. She had to inform my mum because she knows is the innocent type, and she knows our family very well. She seeing me with those boys lately will lead me into trouble. My mum called my dad, and quickly I was sent to go live with my grandparents in another region, the hustle of life has just begun for me at the age of 12.

My Hustling in life Challenges, Mistakes, and Moral Lessons – After Age Twelve…

challengeThe context of hustling didn’t mean maltreatment, but learning not to live like a king’s son or daughter. Staying with my grandparents taught me a lot of moral lessons and hard work. Even though my parents had already instilled in me discipline and how to do a lot of house chores, but being with my grandparents really polished those morals. During my stay with my grandparents, everything or house activities had a time and schedule. We even had a strict food timetable as well. Waking up at 5 am and sleeping at 10 pm was my alarm. When you wake up in the morning at 5 am, you sweep and dust 6 am.

You then listen to radio news and breakfast shows, then by 7:30 am you start preparing hot water for them to take their bathe. Whiles they are bathing you prepare breakfast at 8:30 am then you serve the food, after serving you clean the dishes and the kitchen. Then after you prepare for lunch at 12:30pm and next is supper at 4:30pm. If you do not wake up by 5am, my grandfather will wake you up with his walking stick.

He will tell you it’s only the lazy and poor people who sleep after 5am no food for lazy man so wake up and start your day. After supper and cleaning the dishes and prepare for 6 pm news. From that time to 9 pm for talking points and late news on Ghana Television through to 10p m before you go to sleep. Then at 5 am you are up again the next morning. This routine training went on for almost a year.

My Hustling in life the Challenges, Mistakes, and Moral Lessons – The Secondary school days 

The second part of my life was in Tamale with my Auntie. The SSS now SHS was in Tamale, and she happened to be in the school, so I was staying with her instead of being in the hostel with my friends. She was selling in the school. I will wake up by 5am sweep the whole compound then go find ice cube or ice blocks as we say in Ghana.

We use it freeze the water and drinks before I go to class and during break time.  I go to the shop to help my Auntie at the shop and the evenings helps her to sell. The only time I could get to study was after prep and the shop is closed. But I never gave up because I knew I was not with my real parents and I can’t get that luxury.

My Hustling in life the Challenges, Mistakes, and Moral Lessons – When Mum and Day Left this world. 

To summarize everything my parents died just after I finished secondary education. I came to Accra to live with my step mum because I didn’t have the liberty of staying with my parents and living like a royal.  I kept on with my hard work everywhere I went and through my hustling in life. I tried to learn different things in life just to make earns meet for myself and saved a lot too.

I now agree with the musician Nana Ampadu one of Ghana’s legends song in which he sings “Agya bi wua Agya bi tease yɛ de daadaa nwisiaa,” meaning “When one father dies, another lives: that is used to deceive orphans.” In this proverb, it is normal that family and friends will promise you heaven and earth. Especially when you lose a parent or both parents, but a mother’s love or a father’s love is unique and undying no matter how you go wrong.

Life is you and how you make do not rely on any man hard work and prayers will always do the magic. Every problem and situation you find yourself is always a stepping stone to your next stage of success.


Source: Inspiration From Emmanuel Ehun Mbir & Dr. Focus Key

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