The school placement portal, also known as the CSSPS Portal, is accessible via for checking SHS placement for students.
How to buy SHS Placement voucher via Momo and online
1. Dial *170#
2. Select Momopay and paybill
3. Select playbill
4. Select General payment
4. Enter payment code: MAWU
5. Enter Amount: 13 (Enter 26, 39.. if you want to buy 2, 3..)
6. Enter reference: SHS
Enter your Momo pin to complete the transaction
A code will be sent instantly via SMS after a successful payment
For bulk purchases and any inquiries, kindly chat with us via WhatsApp.
READ: CSSPS Releases The SHS/SHTS/TVET Placement Checker Cards – Buy Now!
How to Check 2023 BECE Placement Results
1. The first thing to do is to obtain the CSSPS Placement Checker.
2. Visit
3. Enter your 10-digit index number to proceed. Example 0309066610 and introduce the year you took the exams. Your index number will come after 23, which is for BECE graduates in 2023. Example 030906661023 (making it 12 numbers)
4. Enter your PIN and serial number in the spaces provided.
5. Finally, check if everything is correct and click submit. patiently waits for the results of the placement to pop up.
6. If you were successfully placed, print out the school placement form.
Note that, when so many people are trying to access their placement at the same time, the system may slow down or give error feedback. Just be patient and try again. Again, you will have to print at least two documents from the placement portal.
Now that you have all the information, get ready to check the 2023 BECE school placements when they are released.
How to do 2023 school self-placement at CSSPS
1. Visit the computer school placement portal
2. Then select the check placement module on the left-hand side
3. Enter your BECE Index Number (eg. 100000000022) and
4. Enter your 10 digit E-voucher pin and
5. Enter your 5 digit pin code
6. Click on Proceed to be redirected to the self-placement module
When redirected successfully to the Self-placement module, you will be provided with a selection of schools to pick from based on the aggregate or grade you had in the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE).
7. Choose carefully your desired second-cycle school
8. Choose your residential preference (day or board).
9. Select your programme of choice
READ: 2023 BECE Home Mock produced excellent results (7-Ones to Agg. 13)
10. After doing all the necessary checks, confirm and print. Remember that once you have completed the selection process, it cannot be undone or changed.